As a business coaching Expert in Residence Peter is privileged to work with founders from across Imperial Enterprise Labs entrepreneurial eco system. Through coaching Peter helps founders get clarity & direction and find ways to overcome the challenges they are facing.

This international partnership project was one of the winners for the British Council funded Innovation for African Universities programme. Focussed on Accelerating Entrepreneurship Support in Universities in Kenya. Led by the Open University, Peter worked with colleagues in the UK and Kenya to deliver a structured coaching and mentoring programme.

Delivered in London by the London Hub and funded by the department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The Peer Networks bring together business leaders to work collaboratively to find solutions to common problems. Working with the London Business Partnership Peter facilitated two Peer Groups.
Funded by UKRI and delivered by Oxford Innovation Advice and the UK National Centre for Ageing, this accelerator provides expert assistance to high Growth SME's developing new products and services in the Healthy Ageing sector. Peter is providing coaching and the design & delivery of masterclass workshops to the 4 SME cohorts.

The Venture Catalyst Challenge (VCC) is Imperial College London’s flagship entrepreneurial competition. As one of the business coaches Peter coaches founding teams to develop well defined goals with action plans to ensure things are going in the right direction and they are ready to pitch to investors.

Funded by UK-AID this project helped develop the Ghanaian Agri-sector by recruiting and training locally based business coaches and working with them to support Ghana agri SME's. Peter helped design and deliver this programme in partnership with associates and Growth Mosaic, our Ghanaian delivery partner.